Data ingestion and CRUD

A guide on how to prepare, send, and update your data, so you get relevant results right away

Upload products offers two options for uploading product catalogs to our servers: CSV file or API. We recommend using the API option for optimal efficiency and convenience. However, if preferred, you may also choose to upload your catalog as a CSV file.

  • Upload via CSV​

For a simple and straightforward start, Zevi.AI allows you to upload your product catalog using a CSV file format. Please note that there is a file size limit of 10 MB each time you upload.

Zevi AI
  • Upload via API

Developers are encouraged to use our APIs for catalog management, offering greater control and customization options. Our APIs provide robust functionality and seamless integration with existing systems, ensuring efficient and scalable management.

Zevi AI

Select language offers a unique feature that enables searches in language combinations such as Hinglish (Hindi+English) and Spanglish (Spanish+English), even though our product catalog is currently available only in English. We aim to ensure that our users can comfortably use our platform in their preferred language, regardless of their geographical location.

Zevi AI

Select attributes for indexing

After uploading the product catalog via CSV or API, Zevi prompts users to map and select the relevant attributes. This ensures accurate smart suggestions and search results, improving the overall user experience.

Zevi AI

Product catalog API

Customers can manage their products catalogs by using the below API's provided by Zevi. Details for the each of the endpoint which you can utilize to manage your product catalogs are as below :

1. Create products API

All product ids must be unique and new. If any of the product ids match with the currently saved products, no products will be inserted and the request will be rejected.



Limit :

250 products/request
Sample Request :
curl -L -X POST '' \ -H 'X-Zevi-Org-Id: 63b5a4f23d3d68e12be783d9' \ -H 'X-Zevi-Api-Key: 9a940c8f-4609-4fa8-acab-5f4d55facfef' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "products": [{ "product_id": "148576483920", "title": "Chocolate" }] }'
Sample Response :

Status Code :

200 for scuccess
{ "message": "Products added successfully" }

Array of product objects (required)
This is a required parameter of type array, which contains product objects with the following attributes: product_id (required, type string and must be unique per store), and [any] (type string, boolean, or number).

2. Get products API

All product ids must be unique and new. If any of the product ids match with the currently saved products, no products will be inserted and the request will be rejected.


Sample Request :
curl -L -X GET '' \ -H 'X-Zevi-Org-Id: 63b5a4f23d3d68e12be783d9' \ -H 'X-Zevi-Api-Key: 9a940c8f-4609-4fa8-acab-5f4d55facfef' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "per_page": 25, "page": 1, "product_ids": "129837,546372" }'
Sample Response :

Status Code :

200 for scuccess
{ "products": [ { "product_id": "129837", "title": "Chocolate", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T19:43:25.014Z", "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T20:49:24.350Z" }, { "product_id": "546372", "title": "Candy", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T19:43:28.059Z", "updatedAt": "2023-01-09T19:43:28.059Z" } ] }

per_pageNumber (Default: 25, Max: 250)
This parameter is optional and specifies the number of items to return per page, with a maximum of 250 items. If not specified, the default value is 25.

Number (Default: 1)
This parameter is optional and specifies the page number to return. If not specified, the default value is 1.

String (comma-separated values)
This parameter is optional and specifies a comma-separated list of product IDs to retrieve.

3. Update products API

All product ids must be present. The request will not update any product if any of the product ids are not currently present. If all the products are present then products will be updated.

Sample Request :


curl -L -X PATCH '' \ -H 'X-Zevi-Org-Id: 63b5a4f23d3d68e12be783d9' \ -H 'X-Zevi-Api-Key: 9a940c8f-4609-4fa8-acab-5f4d55facfef' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "products": [{ "product_id": "129837", "title": "Chocolate" }] }'
Sample Response :

Status Code :

200 for scuccess
{ "message": "Products updated successfully" }

Array of product objects (required)
This is a required parameter of type array, which contains product objects with the following attributes: product_id (required, type string and must be unique per store), and [any] (type string, boolean, or number).

4. Upsert products API

If a product is present then it will be updated. If a product does not exist, it will be created.


Sample Request :
curl -L -X PUT '' \ -H 'X-Zevi-Org-Id: 63b5a4f23d3d68e12be783d9' \ -H 'X-Zevi-Api-Key: 9a940c8f-4609-4fa8-acab-5f4d55facfef' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "products": [{ "product_id": "129837", "title": "Chocolate" }] }'
Sample Response :

Status Code :

200 for scuccess
{ "message": "Products created/updated successfully" }

Array of product objects (required)
This is a required parameter of type array, which contains product objects with the following attributes: product_id (required, type string and must be unique per store), and [any] (type string, boolean, or number).

5. Delete products API

If a product is present then it will be updated. If a product does not exist, it will be created.


Sample Request :
curl -L -X DELETE '' \ -H 'X-Zevi-Org-Id: 63b5a4f23d3d68e12be783d9' \ -H 'X-Zevi-Api-Key: 9a940c8f-4609-4fa8-acab-5f4d55facfef' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "products": [{ "product_id": "148576483920", }] }'
Sample Response :

Status Code :

200 for scuccess
{ "message": "products deleted successfully" }

Array of product objects (required)
This is a required parameter of type array, which contains product objects with the following attributes: product_id (required, type string and must be unique per store), and [any] (type string, boolean, or number).